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The Art of Being Alone and Not Lonely - Karen & Paul Fredette

  • Asheville, NC USA (map)

Who is a “Hermit” or “Spiritual Solitary”?

The term “hermit” evokes a variety of images, many of which are misleading. Despite Webster’s definition of a hermit as a recluse, the two realities do not describe the same lifestyle. A recluse chooses to avoid any association with other human beings from a variety of personal motives. Historically, a hermit is one who has freely chosen to live alone for spiritual reasons. In the Christian tradition, this way of life has been lived since the fourth century desert fathers and mothers of Egypt. While the specific expressions of this lifestyle often vary, they classically involve silence, solitude, simplicity of life, and prayer. A necessary degree of interaction with others allows a religious solitary to earn a living and maintain a simple lifestyle in the modern world. 

Such solitaries are deeply spiritual individuals who live a life that allows them to approach ever-growing transparency to the Holy. In doing so, they can project a positive energy of compassion toward all humanity, and even creation itself, thus becoming a “still point” that holds together a world threatening to fly apart.

About Them

Hey! from the rural Smokies of western NC! We, Paul and Karen Fredette minister as a couple to hermits world-wide. Karen lived as a hermit for six years in a primitive cabin in West Virginia. Before then she had spent thirty years as a Poor Clare nun in Canton, Ohio. Paul was a member of the Glenmary Home Missioners for twenty years. He did pastoral work in the rural south before becoming editor of The Glenmary Challenge in 1992. He recently retired from work as a Qualified Professional in the field of developmental disabilities and mental health.

Since our marriage in 1996, we have cultivated a contemplative lifestyle in our home on a secluded mountain slope here in North Carolina. We co-author a quarterly newsletter, Raven’s Bread, Food for Those in Solitude which reaches over 1100 readers around the world. We also offer books, as well as hard-to-find Resources about hermit life. We mentor individuals seeking a solitary life and offer retreats. Our life is shared (and enriched) by our four-legged companions, Puff & Boo (feline persons).  Note!  These two mentor us and keep us balanced!

Ravens Bread Ministries

Recently Featured in the NY Times

Raven’s Bread Ministries serves hermits and lovers of solitude whatever their religious affiliation or spiritual affinity via a quarterly newsletter, email correspondence, and personal guidance through phone, Skype or Zoom. Information and advice is extended to those who have embraced eremitical life full-time; to those who are discerning this particular call from the Holy, and to those who pursue and cherish whatever solitude and silence they can find in their daily lives.

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